Product Portfolio

Our Company brings in better-quality LAM Coke in the market. LAM coke is also known as low ash metallurgical coke among the industry. LAM Coke is remarkable for it high fixed carbon content effective for various metallurgical applications. Our LAM Coke Foundry is high on demand in the sectors such as Ferro Alloys, Graphite, Cement plants & Foundry works. We process LAM coke from high end raw materials available in the country using latest technology. In addition to the above fact, the company is counted as a leading name among the prominent manufacturers as well as Suppliers in India.
Low Ash Metallurgical Coke is required for metallurgical and chemical industries and is used as the primary fuel where high temperature and uniform heating is required. The industrial consumers of LAMC include integrated steel plants, industry/foundries producing Ferro Alloys, Pig Iron, Engineering Goods, Chemicals, Soda Ash and Zinc units etc.
At Our Company, we manufacture LAMC of various specifications and sizes, customized to meet the requirements of the clients with whom we maintain long term relationships. With the economy looking very buoyant the demand outlook for superior quality (low ash content) coke is positive and the company strives to bridge the demand supply gap by adding fresh capacity and manufacture high quality coke.