
The coke ovens used by the Company is latest Technology coke ovens. It's a oven where a high uniform coking rate is achieved by optimum combustion of the evolved volatiles in the closed coking chamber using pre heated primary and secondary air. The hot gasses are fed through down comers in the oven walls to pairs of well designed flues under the oven sole where more preheated air are injected at suitable points to achieve uniform and complete combustion.
Our Company has separate Division for R&D. Company also have their own quality control department processing all quality analysis within the plant premises. The stringent Quality Control is carried out at their in-house fully equipped laboratory where It can test Coke for CSR and CRI also, apart from other parameters.

Highly efficient and precise control to achieve optimum carbonizing conditions for production of superior quality coke.
Flexibility to carbonize successfully wide range of coking coals.
Highly environment – friendly oven operation. Stack emissions far below the permissible limits.
Unique smokeless charging of ovens.